First Workings’ Busy Season

First Workings’ Busy Season

This summer First Workings participated in its own internship program. Justin Moore, a rising senior at Democracy Prep Charter High School, and Alexandria McPherson, a rising senior at New Visions Advanced Math and Sciences I, both worked alongside the First Workings team for their two week paid summer internship.

As the official Software Developer Intern in the office, Justin spent his time completing various tech-based projects. He tackled a cybersecurity challenge from Carve Systems, informationally interviewed professionals in different aspects of computer science, and created his own research project focused on AR/VR. Justin’s quiet humor certainly brought a sense of lightheartedness into the office, and his belief that “there’s always room for improvement” applies to everyone and everything – even his favorite snickerdoodle cookies.

Working as our Program Associate Intern, Alexandria explored the inner workings of the non-profit sector. The majority of her time was spent developing her own non-profit, Learners United, that would connect students from various backgrounds in order to learn from one another. Although she said her biggest takeaway from her first week was learning to “be ready for whatever there may be,” the First Workings team has no doubt that her heart of gold and can-do attitude will make her aptly prepared for whatever life throws her way.

It’s amazing how employing young scholars interested in your line of work reinvigorate the office and happily remind you why it is that you love doing what you do. We wish the best to our First Workings interns (and all of our interns!) in their future endeavors and are anxiously awaiting to learn of all of the good things that come their way.