Tips for Writing a Professional Email

Tips for Writing a Professional Email

Summer is here, which means that it’s internship season! It’s important to review some guidelines to consider when writing a professional email before you begin connecting with people from your internship. Emails that are poorly written can give employers a bad impression of you and they may have a harder time taking you seriously.  

Subject Line

Always include a subject line that briefly describes what your email is about. Aim to include fewer than 60 characters. A subject line of, “First Workings June Training” lets the recipient know that the email will most likely cover details about a training that will happen in June. A stronger subject line can improve the likelihood of getting an email response. 


It may seem uncomfortable to address each email since you don’t do this when sending text messages, but this is expected! Always include a greeting followed by the name of the recipient (person receiving the email). When writing someone for the first time, always address them as Ms. or Mr. ___  Some examples include, Dear Ms. Smith, Hello Mr. Brown, Good morning Dr. Joe, etc.

Responding to Emails

Professionals typically expect an email reply within 24-36 hours. It’s important that you respond to every email – even if it seems like it doesn’t need require a response. Make sure to acknowledge the whole email, even if the sender didn’t ask any questions. Responding to all of the information that is sent to you shows a level of professionalism.

Sign Off

Similar to a greeting, every email message needs a sign off or a way of closing an email. An unprofessional sign off can ruin an email. Use a sign off followed by your name on the next line. Examples include, Sincerely, Best, Thank you, etc. Example:
Best regards, 

Email Photo

Keep in mind that everyone can see your email photo! Your photo should either be a photo of you or nothing at all. Even if you like anime, soccer, or Beyonce, these shouldn’t be selected as your email profile picture. For a photo, crop the picture from the top of your shoulders to just above your head and make sure the background isn’t distracting.

Do’s and Don’ts

  • Don’t include emojis, smilies, hearts, or other informal icons
  • Always proofread your email before sending! Double check that you’re spelling the recipient’s name correctly
  • Don’t use sayings that you use over text such as haha, lol, srry
  • Remember that anything sent over email isn’t private! Conversations that should be in person can wait
  • Keep your font style and size classic, such as 10 or 12 point and Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman, or other easy-to-read fonts